Un nuovo inizio in un nuovo paese

It will be held in Rome on the 12th of February at the Formacamera premises, the day dedicated to operators, educators and teachers that CIAPE organizes in the context of two projects funded by the ERASMUS + and COSME Program.

To facilitate and foster the integration of migrants in the EU hosting countries it is essential to provide those working in the reception sector with the basic skills and the first elements to be practically helpful.
At the same time, it is important to provide migrants with useful information to better manage the first impact with the new culture, new rules, new customs. But also information and tools to start a path of sustainable and lasting integration.

There are many and varied experiences of non-formal training and basic information for migrants and refugees, but they are not always adequately widespread and shared.
With a view to the exchange of information and good practices, mutual teaching and cooperation, we want to meet and get to know some of the existing tools, to discuss their effectiveness, the difficulties encountered, the possibilities for strengthening. The day, therefore, is also open to all organizations that are simultaneously developing or have recently completed projects within the same theme and who will share experiences and materials.
Finally, we would also like to take the opportunity to listen to the voice of those who have faced or are facing a path of integration, to identify together possible actions and tools that facilitate socio-professional inclusion.

9:30 am Welcome and Opening: FORMACAMERA
Presentation of the day: CIAPE
Framing of the problem by Gilda Esposito (EPALE Ambassador)
10:00 Ice-breaking activities “BaFa – BaFa”
11:00 Coffee Break and Networking
11:30 Working tables:
• Social and cultural integration (New Start and Liberi Nantes projects)
• Professional integration (You-Me and SOFeL projects)
12:30 Round table and summary of results

Participation is free. To register for the event you can click here

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