Advancing industrial digital and green innovations in the advanced textile industry 

Advanced textile materials are a thriving sub-sector in the textile and clothing ecosystem based on high added value and differentiation as unique selling proposition. Innovation in this field is key in the resilience building of the EU textile sector and its competitiveness, particularly in VUCA (volatily, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) environments such as COVID-19 pandemic.

Two major trends to increase the innovation ecosystem in the advanced textile sector are the update of digitalization and green innovations to address climate change and improve the sustainability of the sector. However, there is a lack of knowledge by textile SMEs in digital tools beyond traditional CRM and ERP. In addition, while sustainability is raising in the textile sector, many companies are still far from exploiting tools and principles such as eco-design.

Therefore, a holistic approach fostering the digital and green transition is needed to boost innovation in the sector through knowledge transfer and co-creation between academia and the industrial sector. Clusters will bring together the triple helix of innovation along with industry.


The ADDTEX project main objective is to facilitate the flow and co-creation of knowledge between higher education and vocational education and training, research, public sector and business sector within the advanced textile materials sector to foster new, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning.

In parallel, the project aims to stimulate a sense of initiative and entrepreneurial attitudes, mindsets and skills in learners, educational staff and other workers, in line with the Green Deal and Entrepreneurship Competence Framework. ADDTEX also improves the quality and relevance of skills developed and certified through education and training systems, reinforces the clusters in each region, and supports education and training of advanced textile materials companies through

linkages with HEIs and VETs.


Main results:

  • MOOC and capacity building program for Digital Skills and Sustainability Skills Academy.
  • 4 Hubs to generate synergies between industry and academy through workshops that will be co-created between the clusters and educational partners.
  • Transnational virtual internships and mobilities programs to upskill education and researchers, and to facilitate the employability of young people in the advanced textile sector.


The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EU, and managed by CIAPE in partnership with 11 organisations from Spain (coordinator), Czech Republic, Portugal, Germany, Slovenia, Sweden, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Romania.


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