An innovative multilanguage knowledge database for footwear and leather sector

Over the last years, the European footwear and leather sector has been facing several changes, by demanding more specialised expertise and new skills suitable to company’s specific requirements towards new business models, innovative and high-tech technologies, design and styling, environment issues etc. On the basis of these trends, dicSHOEnary project aims to create a multilanguage knowledge database (vocational terminology) for footwear and leather sector in order to promote innovation and effective collaboration. A list of functional vocabulary words and definitions including terms related to quality, new technologies, managerial processes (e.g. agile methodologies, project management), retailing (customer satisfaction), employee qualities (professionalism, punctuality), and job positions in the sectors etc. 

In this context, the dicSHOEnary objectives are:

  • To anticipate the job-related requirements of the future managerial occupations more effectively in partner countries;
  • To establish a common professional technical language framework in order to enable employees with international activities in European and Turkish footwear industry to establish more effective communication;
  • To develop multimedia methodologies and learning tools to restructure the technical language teaching process for existing and new employees from the shoe industry.

In particular, the project offers a Language guide in 10 languages and an Interactive web portal. 


For more information, please contact education@ciape.it 

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