Boosting youth entrepreneurship in rural areas through co-working and start-up incubators in the era of circular economy

Go-Circular has the objective to promote employment and entreprenruship in European rural areas by empowering young people with the capabilities to create co-working and start-up incubators, exploiting potentialities offered by circular economy – with concreate examples in three specific areas: furniture, agro-business & buulding/housing. 

Project ‘s specific objectives are: 

  • To promote employment and entrepreneurship in European rural areas by increasing young people capabilities to reconvert empty spaces to host co-working & start-up incubators, exploiting potentialities offered by circular economy;
  • To promote youth skills and competences for the development of co-working spaces & start-up incubators focused on three specific areas: furniture, agro-business & buulding/housing;
  • To equip young people with relevant circular economy skills that are at a crossroads between citizenship competences and entrepreneurial competences;
  • To foster youth capabilities to operate at transnational level for developing joint concrete circular co-working projects. 

The project is implemented by a complementary partnership composed by 6 organisations from 4 different countries: Denmark, Italy, Norway and Slovenia. There is a good balance between not for profit organisations dealing with education and training addressed to young people and companies that have implemented successful projects in the field of circularity. 

Project involves directly in training activities more than 100 young people aged between 20 and 29 years living in different rural areas; they are called  to create business ideas for circular co-working spaces and start-up incubators & physical prototypes. Direct involvement of relevant stakeholders such as space owners, business angels, public administrators, youth workers, NGOs, companies, investors and trainers is garanteed for the whole life of the project. 

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