On-site construction employees’ occupational safety in Europe 

Minimizing the number of accidents at work within the construction sector, thanks to more informed and skilled employees about health and safety regulations and risk prevention and management.

The Serio project aims at fostering construction workers’ consciousness about workplace potential risks, putting them in the conditions to behave and act properly.
At European level, the construction sector is among those with the largest number of employees but it is also one of the most dangerous.
According to International Labor Organization data, annually 1.2 million people lose their life because of occupational illnesses and industrial accidents.
Construction sector represents one of the main challenges from a health and safety point of view. Most accidents are connected with executions of works on heights, falling objects and excavations. The new EU Member States are the most exposed to these risks. The number of victims of accidents raises everyday, despite the numerous rules, protecting equipment and devices concerning H&S made available.

This Project will raise occupational safety and health (OSH) standards and build a safer, healthier and more productive working environment at European level.
The main objectives that the project pursues are:
– Creating more attractive training tools adjusted to ICT technology (mobile application/software);
– Creating suitable methodology adjusted to mobile application (more attractive and comprehensible for construction staff), e.g.: pictures, voices, animations, and short movies;
– H&S guide, open and constant access to the training, increasing amount of training users;
– Improving safety at the building sites in Europe;
– Increasing the awareness on safe behaviors and knowledge about H&S regulations;
– Enhancing the mobility of labour force in the European Union;
– Developing contents related to the definition of a virtual network among construction employees, enhancing communication about H&S issues, share of experiences and views on the issue.

The partnership comprises 6 organisation from Poland, UK, Germany, Turkey, France and Italy.

Leornardo da Vinci – Transfer of Innovation

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