Youth protagonism and activation in Europe through better communication skills 

The interest of young people in political and social issues is usually high, they have a lot to say and their views are of utmost importance in shaping EU youth policies. But in many cases they do not have a forum to talk about their challenges, stories and concerns. Or rather they do not know how to properly formulate their messages, or they are afraid to speak in front of institutions or any kind of public (including their peers).

The aim of VOYCE project is to put young people in the driver’s seat and provide them with the necessary tools to spread their views and grow their youth audiences. The whole process is supported by better skilled Youth Leaders/Animators, able to reinforce the capacities of young people to act and be represented at local and European level.


The results:

– Training material for youth leaders to improve teamwork, leadership, communication and critical thinking skills among young people;

– Strengthened partners’ regional networks, through a more structured dialogue with other organisations operating in the field of active citizenship;

– Activation of Local working groups in a process based on reflection, creation and action, resulting in the development of Roadmaps for Inclusive Societies around three key topics:

     1- New volunteering and mobility schemes addressed to people with fewer opportunities; 

     2- Youth organisations’ support based on new and sustainable socio-economic models;

     3- Development of critical minds by promoting effective communication and problem-solving abilities.

– International Social Hackathon promoting cultural exchanges, collaboration and sharing of ideas and EU values. Event, led by young people, producing concrete proposals to overcome the modern society model, where individualism and exclusion are often predominant.


For more info: mobility@ciape.it

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