Weaving innovation among academia and industry in the Tunisian textile sector

The project aims the fostering of enterprise-university collaboration in Tunisia by the establishment of three innovation textiles’ centers at each participating University. Those boost the collaboration between textile SMEs and partecipating HEIs.

The Innovation textiles’ centers, created in the framework of this project, provide services for innovation development, matching industry needs with research results, promoting cooperation between researchers and industry, development and promotion of new products and opening of new markets, support to researchers and to business owners to commercialize their innovative ideas, etc.

The centers focus on the integration among green technologies and Key Enabling Technologies in the textile sector, with particular emphasis at each of the institutions to not overlap services and provide better and more comprehensive support to local SME needs.

The project also develops an online collaboration platform for technology transfer that supports the matching of offer and demand for research results, becoming a tool for open innovation that sets the bases for the long-term cooperation between HEIs and academia in general with the industrial sector of Tunisia. The online platform represents the main support tool for the centers and a place for transnational networking and matching of offer and demand.

Specific objectives of WINTEX are:

– To establish 3 innovation textiles’ centers within the participating Tunisian universities (ISMMM, USF and ISET);

– To offer to the Tunisian textile sector access to dedicated set of services to foster innovation;

– To promote cooperation between HEIs and businesses and strengthen the relationship by creating the Academia Textile Industry Council;

– To promote innovation and technology transfer in the innovation textiles’ centers;

– To strengthen the overall collaboration between academia and HEIs;

– To establish further cooperation between EU and Tunisian HEIs and textile businesses.

The project is implemented by 12 partners from the following countries: Spain, Greece, Italy, Romania, France and Tunisia.

More info:

Visit the project website

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