NEW START: a new beginning in a new country

Rome, 12 February 2019 – Many ideas emerged during the workshop “A new beginning in a new country”, organized by CIAPE at Forma Camera, and focused on the sharing of tools and best practices aimed at the socio-professional inclusion in the EU of third-country nationals.

The illuminating opening of Gilda Esposito – EPALE Ambassador, traced the route towards the full implementation of a “welcoming formation”. Digital, inclusive, innovative, global, ecological… some of the connotations that emerged during our brainstorming, for a shared definition of the future cultural intelligence.

The role play “Bafa Bafa” then encouraged the immersion of the participants in the difficulties and frustrations that a foreigner can encounter, coming into contact with members of a different society. Will the curiosity and the desire to be understood, or the discomfort and loss of certain points of reference prevail?

Two in-depth tables followed, and were animated by representatives of organizations active in the professional and socio-cultural inclusion of migrants and refugees. Thanks for having shared valuable tools and experiences: SOFeL – Cies Onlus training and work orientation space; Program intact; Liberi Nantes; Rai TV; Sapienza University; SPRAR WELL-c-HOME; MoCa Future Designers; CPIA1 of Rome; Itaka Training; Health of Frontier Onlus; Atdal-Over40.

Event organized with the support of the Erasmus Plus programme of the European Union – New Start project

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