We struggle to bridge the gap between skills looked for by companies and available training programmes.


The “European Qualifications Framework” (EQF) is a translation device making national qualifications more readable abroad in Europe.
The common language among different systems is represented by the approach which is based on learning outcomes; this helps to strengthen the relevance of qualifications.
We created EQFs for the following professions:

  • European Youth Worker (2020)
  • Co-worker startupper (2019)
  • Sports and youth trainer able to promote gender equality (2018)
  • Manager of small innovative tanning companies (2018)
  • Work-Based Learning professional (2018)
  • Entrepreneur of cultural systems (2017)
  • Manager of small textile and clothing companies (2016)
  • Health Services Manager (2015)
  • Retail manager (2015)
  • European business woman (2015)
  • Hotel manager (2014)
  • Restaurant manager (2014)
  • Professionals for the sustainability of new technologies (2012)


Our research reports forecast future scenarios in relation to the job and training market’s trends, and are featured by a transnational vocation.
They are the result of a mix of field and second-level researches, integrated with major findings emerging from a structured dialogue with the main stakeholders.
We prepared the following research reports:

  • Zero Emission Buildings in Italy (2019)
  • Strategy to prepare young people for future professions thanks to innovative career guidance services (2018)
  • EU-level analysis around the needs and state of the art of the tanning sector (2017)
  • Skills’ forecast for the textile and clothing industry (2015)
  • Strategy for knowledge and innovation intensive textile and clothing companies (2015)
  • Pathways to foster a balance between professional and private life for women (2013)
  • Guidelines for promoting the health and safety at work of artistic restorers (2013)
  • Key competences to foster the competitiveness of EU small and medium-sized enterprises (2012)
  • Benefits of workplaces encouraging lifelong learning (2012)


By transversal skills we mean those personal characteristics coming into play to respond to a request from the organizational environment, and which are considered crucial in a view to successfully face the world of work and to better adapt to multiple contexts.
We contributed to the preparation of training modules, distance learning courses and guidelines for:

  • Integrating video techniques into training courses for vulnerable adult learners (2019)
  • Preparing sports and youth trainers for the gender equality promotion (2018)
  • Providing support bodies for unaccompanied immigrant minors with tools promoting the understanding of gender equality issues in the host countries (2018)
  • Promoting inclusive training for migrants and refugees using audio-visual tools and the Lego Serious Play technique (2018)
  • Improving work-based learning paths (2018)
  • Supporting women with fewer opportunities to access occupations traditionally carried out by men (2017)
  • Equipping career orientation professionals with tools aimed at adapting their services to the European labour and skills’ market (2017)
  • Encouraging the development of entrepreneurial skills in young people (2016)
  • Equipping unemployed women with the skills needed to return to the labour market (2013)
  • Managing organizational communication (2011)


In today’s rapidly changing world of work, it is increasingly important to update one’s technical skills in order to better operate, re-skill and up-skill in a view to be better integrated into a given sector.
We contributed to the preparation of training modules, distance learning courses and guidelines for:

  • Transferring research and innovation in the textile sector (2020)
  • Fostering Innovative and Creative thinking in the Textile & Clothing manufacturing sector (2020)
  • Startup and management of coworking spaces (2019)
  • Assessing and adapting the gender footprint of VET schools according to EU standards (2019)
  • Managing cultural enterprises in an innovative way (2018)
  • Managing tanning enterprises in an innovative and efficient way (2018)
  • Managing textile and clothing companies in an innovative and efficient way (2016)
  • Managing retail stores in an efficient and flexicurity-oriented way (2015)
  • Managing healthcare companies promoting workers’ health and safety (2015)
  • Socially responsible management of small hotels and restaurants (2014)


We apply gamified approaches and tools within training contexts with the aim of increasing the learners’ degree of involvement, motivation, thus further encouraging the achievement of the expected learning results. The tools we dealt with are mainly aimed at targeting adult learners.
We contributed to the realization of:

  • 3D Virtual Reality Platform aimed at introducing the Generation Z to the jobs of the future (2019)
  • Game to promote the knowledge of women’s rights (2018)

  • Serious game aimed at promoting the health and safety of workers of the health sector (2015)
  • Serious game aimed at acquiring a proactive attitude towards the resolution of emergencies and accidents at work (2012)