We support trainers, educators, consultants and individuals providing tools for a continuous updating of skills, according to individual needs and learning styles.

Networking & Peer Learning events.

Three days of full residential immersion in which professionals and representatives of good practices relating to a specific theme alternate on stage illustrating the excellence they represent through a 30-minute talk. The first edition, held in Fiuggi in February 2023, dealt with the theme of conscious parenting with 20 experts from different regions of Italy. The training moments alternated with practical activities and group work for the co-creation of future sectoral initiatives. Info and booking of an ad hoc event: ciape@ciape.it

Boosting impact on Social Media for the non profit.

Nowadays it is very important for each organisation to communicate through multiple channels, in order to promote the results achieved, the opportunities offered and the activities implemented. But it is crucial to use each channel appropriately and as part of a cohesive overall strategy. This training is aimed at offering a very practical insight into Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Linkedin, Istagram, Tik Tok and Google Ads, understanding how to use them in the most appropriate way to create powerful campaigns with a strong, clear, recognizable voice and a presence that communicates consistent messages.

Full text here. Info and organisation of an ad-hoc training: ciape@ciape.it. 

Since 2021 CIAPE has been coordinating a Consortium for the mobility of adult education operators within the Erasmus + program. The idea raised with the aim to offer concrete support to organizations that promote and deliver continuous learning services for adults, favouring an update in the light of the new global scenarios. Indeed, in relation to recent developments in the health emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, a rethinking of methodologies, processes and activities that meet both the needs of adult learners and operators in the sector is increasingly necessary and urgent.

The consortium members can benefit from the opportunity to carry out a training period abroad aimed at acquiring the following skills:

Know how to seize European funding opportunities: knowledge of project management; main direct and indirect financing programs; techniques for drafting an efficient project proposal; reporting techniques and effective communication tools.

Improve digital skills: ability to use new technologies; development of online content in relation to the typicality and needs of the target group; making learners responsible for the correct use of the internet and new technologies; identification of free and open source resources with a view to inclusion of learners with fewer opportunities.

Develop training approaches aimed at strengthening the soft skills of adults: training methodologies that encourage autonomy, being empathically creative, decisive and proactive.

Assimilate strategies aimed at empowerment and opportunities for the inclusion of the most vulnerable adults (disabled, migrants, refugees, etc.).

Promote knowledge of the common heritage and European values: awareness of European identity by sharing history, art and common values ​​in the territories of the participants and at the same time providing the necessary tools to counter the rampant Euroscepticism among adults.

Support the development of professional networks throughout Europe and the expansion of the network of partner organizations: promote the transnational exchange of good practices and innovative methodologies; knowing how to operate at a transnational level; promote participation in networking opportunities; acquire different modus operandi and organizational models by capturing aspects to be replicated in one’s own organization; activation of relations with European organizations that are functional to participation in projects to be submitted for European calls.

To join the consortium and benefit from training opportunities, fill the form.

For more info, contact: career@ciape.it