Flipped classroom training Approach for Clothing and Textile Innovative VET Education

Factive “Flipped classroom training Approach for Clothing and Textile Innovative VET Education” is a EU project cofounded under the Erasmus+ program.

With a partnership composed of 8 different organisations based in Portugal, Slovenia, Italy, Belgium, Greece and Spain, the project main aim is to enhance the quality and relevance of the learning offer in Textile and Clothing VET training by developing an innovative learning approach based on flipped classrooms methodology and scenario learning approach.

The textile industry is a leading sector for Europe, with a centuries-old history, offering high quality and innovative products. 

As highlithed by TECLO project, European companies (especially small and medium sized) need more skilled employees especially with regard to competences related to innovation, management, and internationalisation. The Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030 project key research findings further demonstrate how these competences are not adequately addressed by traditional VET courses. So, in order to enable the new generation of Textile and Clothing professionals to adequate face the challenges of this sector, new training tools and more effective training approaches are needed. 

The main activities foreseen by the project are:

– Development of a new flexible, integrated, innovative learning approach for the T&C VET Trainers, based on the flipped classroom methodology, in order to overcome the limits of traditional, too theoretical, VET training approaches;

– Integration of the TECLO MOOC with new contents, based on real work situations defined with the collaboration of T&C European companies;

– Animation of a Community of practice for VET trainers and providers;

– Development of a Handbook for VET teacher and trainers containing guidelines about how to use the Training Toolkit and how to evaluate learning outcomes. 

For more information write to training@ciape.it

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